Showing 26 - 50 of 101 Results
Melchior's Dream, and Other Tales Edited by Mrs Alfred Gatty Illustrated by Gordon Browne by Ewing, Juliana Horatia Gatty ISBN: 9781177598125 List Price: $19.75
British Sea-weeds: Drawn From Professor Harvey's "phycologia Britannica" ... by Mrs. Alfred Gatty ISBN: 9781286738757 List Price: $27.75
Aunt Judy's Annual Volume, Volume 11 by Mrs. Alfred Gatty ISBN: 9781247966229 List Price: $53.75
The Old Folks from Home, Or, A Holiday in Ireland in 1861 Volume 25 by Mrs. Alfred Gatty ISBN: 9781230047034 List Price: $22.40
The Book of Sun-Dials: Originally Compiled by the Late Mrs. Alfred Gatty; Now Enl. and Re-Ed... by Alfred Gatty, Lewis Evans ISBN: 9781293261040 List Price: $43.75
The Book of Sun-Dials: Originally Compiled by the Late Mrs. Alfred Gatty; Now Enl. and Re-Ed... by Alfred Gatty, Lewis Evans ISBN: 9781287473695 List Price: $43.75
Parables from Nature by Mrs Alfred Gatty ISBN: 9781230397375 List Price: $7.13
The Book Of Sun-Dials Collected By Mrs. Alfred Gatty by Unknown ISBN: 9781497861473 List Price: $60.95
The Classic Works of Mrs. Alfred Gatty by Mrs. Alfred Gatty ISBN: 9781501095856 List Price: $19.99
Aunt Judy's Annual Volume, Volume 10... by Mrs. Alfred Gatty ISBN: 9781247518626 List Price: $53.75
Melchior's Dream, and Other Tales Edited by Mrs Alfred Gatty Illustrated by Gordon Browne by Ewing, Juliana Horatia Gatty ISBN: 9781290224048 List Price: $22.95
Melchior's Dream, and Other Tales, Ed. by Mrs. Alfred Gatty by Ewing, Juliana Horatia ISBN: 9781150028977 List Price: $23.46
The Book of Sun-Dials: Originally Compiled by the Late Mrs. Alfred Gatty; Now Enl. and Re-Ed... by Alfred Gatty, Lewis Evans ISBN: 9781296653125 List Price: $30.95
British Sea-weeds: Drawn From Professor Harvey's "phycologia Britannica" by Mrs. Alfred Gatty ISBN: 9781298620842 List Price: $25.95
The Book of Sun-Dials: Originally Compiled by the Late Mrs. Alfred Gatty; Now Enl. and Re-Ed... by Alfred Gatty, Lewis Evans ISBN: 9781298689382 List Price: $30.95
Aunt Judy's Tales by Mrs. Alfred Gatty, Chiswick... ISBN: 9781297993893 List Price: $23.95
Parables from Nature (Classic Reprint) by Gatty, Alfred, Mrs Alfred G... ISBN: 9781334130243 List Price: $13.57
Parables From Nature, Vol. 2 (Classic Reprint) by Gatty, Alfred, Mrs. Alfred ... ISBN: 9781334139291 List Price: $11.57
The Fairy Godmothers and Other Tales by Mrs. Alfred Gatty ISBN: 9781546547594 List Price: $7.99
Melchior's Dream, and Other Tales. Edited by Mrs. Alfred Gatty. Illustrated by Gordon Browne by Ewing, Juliana Horatia Gatty ISBN: 9781347303368 List Price: $22.95
The Book Of Sun-dials by Gatty, Alfred, Evans, Lewis... ISBN: 9781343334656 List Price: $30.95
Melchior's Dream, and Other Tales. Edited by Mrs. Alfred Gatty. Illustrated by Gordon Browne by Ewing, Juliana Horatia Gatt... ISBN: 9781373518033 List Price: $22.95
Melchior's Dream, and Other Tales. Edited by Mrs. Alfred Gatty. Illustrated by Gordon Browne by Ewing, Juliana Horatia Gatt... ISBN: 9781373518019 List Price: $12.95
MELCHIOR'S DREAM, And Other Tales by MRS. Alfred Gatty ISBN: 9781539066484 List Price: $12.00
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